Signalwörter können auch aus mehreren Wörtern bestehen.
Schreibe die Verben im Present Perfect und die Signalwörter in die Lücken.

A nice party

1. Jake and Ben already (to prepare) the birthday party.
Present Perfect signal word:

2. They just (to buy) the decorations.
Present Perfect signal word:

3. Jake (to choose) many cds so far...
Present Perfect signal word:

4. ...but Ben (not to listen) to them yet.
Present Perfect signal word:

5. He (to be) busy since two o´clock.
Present Perfect signal word:

6. He already (to put) ten bottles into the fridge.
Present Perfect signal word:

7. He (to make) lots of sandwiches so far.
Present Perfect signal word:

8. But he (not to put) the crisps on the table yet.
Present Perfect signal word:

9. Jake never (to have) a such a big birthday party.
Present Perfect signal word:

10. They (to invite) 20 friends up to now.
Present Perfect signal word:

Maybe some more will come!