Modal auxiliaries im Simple Past

Wähle die richtige Form im Simple Past aus.

1. Can you repair my computer, Dad? (Simple Present)
1. repair my computer, Dad? (Simple Past)
2. We must go through passport control. (Simple Present)
2. We go through passport control. (Simple Past)
3. The officers needn't check everybody´s passports. (Simple Present)
3. The officers check everybody´s passports. (Simple Past)
4. Lucy may not water this plant. (Simple Present)
4. Lucy water this plant. (Simple Past)
5. But she may water the yellow one. (Simple Present)
5. But she water the yellow one. (Simple Past)
6. Ben can watch the news on TV. (Simple Present)
6. Ben watch the news on TV. (Simple Past)
7. The men must stop the fire. (Simple Present)
7. The men stop the fire. (Simple Past)
8. But they can't do it. (Simple Present)
8. But they do it. (Simple Past)
9. The pupils must listen to the teacher. (Simple Present)
9. The pupils listen to the teacher. (Simple Past)
10. But they needn't write everything down. (Simple Present)
10. But they write everything down. (Simple Past)