Modal auxiliaries mit gemischten Zeiten (mixed tenses)

Wähle die richtige Zeitform aus.

1. We can´t arrive on time.
1. We arrive on time. (Simple Past)
2. Ben can go out with Lucy.
2. Ben go out with Lucy. (Future)
3. Perhaps Mum can make a cake for the party.
3. Perhaps Mum make a cake for the party. (Present Perfect)
4. Lucy may take her dog to school.
4. Lucy take her dog to school. (Future)
5. Ben may have a new locker.
5. Ben have a new locker. (Present Perfect)
6. We needn´t do this for a long time.
6. We do this for a long time. (Present Perfect)
7. My uncle must move to America.
7. My uncle move to America. (Simple Past)
8. Pete may play the guitar this evening.
8. Pete play the guitar this evening. (Future)
9. We can´t practise in the music room.
9. We practise in the music room. (Future)
10. The caretaker can fix the window.
10. The caretaker fix the window. (Present Perfect)