Find the correct moral of the fable.

1. A Dog and his Shadow
A dog was crossing a little river and had some meat in its mouth. Then he saw his own shadow in the river but thought it was another dog. This "dog" also had a piece of meat in his mouth. As the dog was so greedy, he wanted this "second" piece of meat. When trying to snatch it, he dropped his meat into the river and it sank. The dog could not retrieve it.
Many people are selfish and want things that do not belong to them.

2. Fox and Grapes
A fox was very hungry and came into a vineyard where lots of lovely ripe grapes were hanging on the vines. The fox jumped up and up again until he was tired but he did not get one grape. So he said to himself,"Let somebody else have the stupid grapes. They are so green and probably sour, I don´t want them."
When people cannot get what they want, they often say,

3. Lion and Mouse
A generous lion caught a mouse but he let her go. A few days later the lion was caught in a net. Along came the same mouse and helped him because he had helped her. She gnawed through the net and set the lion free.
It is always a good thing to help others who have helped you, no matter how small you are.

4. Boys and Frogs
Some mischevious boys were watching at the side of a pond. When any frogs showed their heads, the boys threw stones at them. One of the frogs said, "Maybe it´s fun for you to throw stones at us, but this sport could kill us".
It is not good for children to throw stones at animals or hurt them in any other way.

5. The Bear and the two Friends
Two men were walking through the forest. They were friends and swore to help each other. Suddenly a bear came out of a thicket. one man climbed up a tree. The other lay flat on the ground and did not breathe. The bear came near and smelled him.. He thought the man was dead and so he went back into the forest. The man climbed down from the tree and asked the other man what the bear had said to him. The man replied," The bear told me that I should not trust friends who do not stand by me when there are difficulties and danger."
Many people say that they are your friends.